Bd68 | Sgrin Smart Llawn Boshang Arddangosfa All-In-One Yn dafladwy
Mae BD68 yn holl-mewn-un trawiadol sy'n dal y llygad yn wirioneddol. Mae ganddo sgrin ddigidol gynhwysfawr fawr sy'n caniatáu ar gyfer addasu yn y pen draw. Mae'r dyluniad ymddangosiad yn grwn ac yn llyfn, gyda gafael gyffyrddus a swyddogaeth gwefru gyfleus.
BD39 | BOSHANG Rechargeable All-In-One Disposable with Button
Mae BD39 yn dod â phrofiad cyfforddus a chyfleus i anweddu. The shark like oil window balances with the body, and the unique and innovative design seamlessly combines function and style, making the vaping experience easier and more exquisite.
MC26 | Boshang 1ml dim-capio 316l Canolfan Dur Di-staen Cetris Post Cetris
Mae MC26 yn getris gyda diamedr o 11.5mm a phost canol dur gwrthstaen. Adopting an integrated oil filling method, the oil filling operation is fully simplifie——there is no need to cap the cigarette mouthpiece after oil filling, achieving an excellent balance between quality and efficiency.
Bd55 | Capasiti olew mawr Boshang yn dafladwy popeth-mewn-un
● Yn addas ar gyfer Delta8/D8/9/10/CBD/THC Detholion/THCO/HHC/THCA/THCP/Resin Byw/Rosin/Dimond Hylif.
BD28 NEWYDD | Dyfais tafladwy popeth-mewn-un llif aer deuol boshang
BD28 NEW is available in various capacities (0.5ml, 1ml) and incorporates a dual airflow design to ensure smooth inhalation without any obstructions,and equipped with the best porosity ceramic coil: Kucoil, equipped with the best porosity ceramic coil: Kucoil, atomization is Gwisg, gan gyflawni'r blas puraf.
● Yn addas ar gyfer Delta8/D8/9/10/CBD/THC Detholion/THCO/HHC/THCA/THCP/Resin Byw/Rosin/Dimond Hylif.
Bd57 | Boshang Compact All-in-One tafladwy gyda sgrin smart wedi'i fewnosod
Mae BD57 yn dafladwy all-mewn-un cryno a chludadwy gyda sgrin arddangos ddeallus tryloyw wedi'i hymgorffori. It is equipped with a smart display screen that tracks device information in real-time.Smooth and extendable, perfectly customizable to meet diverse preferences, making your brand stand out in the market.
Bd40 | Boshang popeth-mewn-un tafladwy gyda botwm cynhesu
The BD40 is a sleek and compact electronic vaporizer featuring a button activation, a visible oil window, and a fourth-generation atomizer core, ensuring exceptional atomization of various oils.Customizable colors and oil inlet sizes cater to different brand logos, distinguishing it among numerous cynhyrchion.
Bd29 | Boshang Dyfais tafladwy Llif Awyr Deuol Di-glocs Boshang
● Yn addas ar gyfer darnau Delta8/D8/9/10/CBD/THC/THCO/HHC/THCA/THCP/Resin byw/rosin/dimon hylif.